September 2024 Pastor Cecilia Comer

Happy September!

Listen to what Psalm 37:1-4 ( Contemporary English Version)
Don’t be annoyed by anyone who does wrong, and don’t envy them.
They will soon disappear like grass without rain.
Trust the Lord and live right!
The land will be yours, and you will be safe.
Do what the Lord wants, and he will give you your heart’s desire.
Let the Lord lead you and trust him to help.
Then it will be as clear as the noonday sun that you were right.
May I be honest with you? Just recently, I found myself being very annoyed with someone’s behavior. This doesn’t usually happen to me, but in this instance, I can truly say that becoming annoyed by their words and actions was a very easy thing to do. Sometimes, it is really hard for me to understand why people do the wrong that they do. Furthermore, it can be extremely upsetting and disappointing when it seems that there is no accountability for their wrongdoing. The Psalmist has something to say about this. In short, he says, don’t fix your attention on them or the wrongs. They will be dealt with. “They will soon disappear like grass without rain.”
Interesting imagery. Grass does not disappear quickly without rain. At least not mine, but eventually it does turn brown and begins to die. Maybe a lesson we are being taught is that those people may persist in their wrongdoings, but what we are to know is that in the end they will get their just reward just like the grass.
While the Psalmist is likely talking about those who set themselves up as God’s enemies, what about other Christians who do things that are wrong against us? Will they soon disappear like grass without rain? What I can say with confidence is that punishment is the Lord’s. I would not want to have the life sucked out of me until I died like grass without rain, but that is not to be our concern. We are to focus on doing what is good and right, and the rest will take care of itself. God will see to that. The Psalmist says that “the land will be yours, and you will be safe. Do what the Lord wants, and he will give your heart’s desire.” Furthermore, when we “let the Lord lead us and trust him to help, then it will be as clear as the noonday sun that we were right” in choosing to continue in Him.
Happy September, and may we be hearers of God’s word and doers also.

Blessings of God to you,
Pastor Comer

I love to pray for people, and see God’s results!
God is faithful!
If you have a prayer request and would like for me to pray for you, please email  me at: or send your prayer request to our prayer team at: It is our pleasure to pray for and with you!