Cornerstone UMC is a church family dedicated to developing devoted followers of Christ through worship and education, fellowship and service, missions and generous hearts!
Our disciple-making approach invites our members to invest in four areas:
Believe Connect Serve and Share.
Believe – is Sunday Worship, professing our faith, singing praises to God, and digging into God’s Word!
Connect – is growing in relationship with the Lord and with God’s people! It is serving together, growing together, and having fun together! Small groups, seniors, youth, children, camps, retreats, education classes, softball games, women’s studies… it all happens under Connect!
Serve – is serving God by serving our neighbors, both inside and outside our Church! Cornerstone partners with great service organizations like Vine Maple Place, Storehouse Ministries and Backpack Buddies to help local peoples in need. We support missionaries building God’s Kingdom in India. We support children in poverty through WorldVision. And we help feed homeless men and women through the KentHOME and KentHOPE programs.
Share – is about being present in our community, letting Jesus’ light shine through us, and encouraging others to know God’s love for them! This includes marching in community parades, being present at community celebrations and events, participating with local causes, and growing church visibility. We want our whole community to know they are welcome with us – and we desire to be part of what Covington/Maple Valley/Kent/Black Diamond is doing!
Small Groups and Special Events
We have both ongoing and short-term groups and ministries happening throughout the year, including:
- 6th-12th Grade Youth Group
- “Fun for Kids” Events for children and families, including pool parties, movie days, Easter egg hunts, ice cream socials, playdates with the Pastor, Fun Family Fall Festival, and a Birthday Party for Jesus at Christmas!
- Silver Servants Seniors potlucks, classes and fellowship each month
- Small groups for adults, for education, service and fellowship
- Women’s Bible Studies, including Scripture studies and topical studies
- Yearly Vacation Bible School encouraging kids to learn more about God and God’s people, always free and open to kids from throughout our community
- Summer Church Retreat at Lazy F Camp near Ellensburg
- Missions teams with our high schoolers and middle schoolers.
- Special Worship gatherings on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday morning, Summer Camp, and Christmas Eve
- Special Events including our Community our July 4th Party and Hotdog Feed, our Summer Outdoor Worship Service, and our Fall Ministry Fair and more.
Cornerstone United Methodist Church
20730 SE 272nd St., Covington, WA 98042